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Heather Struhl

Heather Struhl, PA-C, RD is a NCCPA Board Certified New York State licensed physician assistant and registered dietitian who specializes in plastic surgery, with a focus on injectable treatments and laser therapies.

Prior to her physician assistant studies, she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Nutritional Sciences at The Pennsylvania State University with a minor in psychology while working in a research laboratory under Dr. Penny Kris-Etherton. The Metabolic Diet Study Center’s main focus was examining the effects of nuts on lowering LDL and raising HDL cholesterol. She then went on to complete a dietetic internship at Stony Brook University and in 2009 earned a degree as a Registered Dietitian (RD).

Dedicated Physician Assistant with a Passion for Patient Care and Wellness

Heather earned her certification in physician assistant studies at Long Island University in 2011. She completed clinical rotations at Beth Israel medical Center and Bellevue Medical Center in Manhattan, Northwell Health LIJ, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, and Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center. She completed a Surgical Physician Assistant Residency Program in 2012 at Geisinger Medical Center completing rotations in plastic and reconstructive surgery, trauma surgery, cardiothoracic and vascular surgery, general surgery, orthopedic surgery and sports medicine, and the ICU.

Heather’s interest in health and medicine started at a young age in part to her father, a board certified cardiologist on Long Island. She grew up admiring his ethics and passion for patient care, which inspired her to focus her studies in science, healthcare, and medicine. Heather strives to improve the lives of her patients by encouraging self-care, eating nutritiously, and following a proper skincare and exercise routine. Additionally, she believes that maintaining one’s outward appearance is the final component to the ideal approach to a happy and healthy lifestyle, which Heather follows and works to instill in her patients.

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