How Does Lumecca Work?

The IPL penetrates deep into the dermis without the use of heat energy, targeting brown spots and veins. The areas of pigmentation are then drawn to the surface of the skin and originally darken before either being absorbed by the skin or falling off in the days ahead. What you are left with is clear skin that is free of spots and rejuvenated from within. While targeting dark spots, the IPL deeply stimulates collagen production plumping the skin and smoothing fine lines and creases.

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What are the Benefits of Lumecca IPL Photofacial?

Lumecca IPL Photofacial is a non-invasive procedure that addresses a myriad of skincare concerns, typically in just one session. With Lumecca IPL Photofacial, you can see a significant improvement in many areas of your skin including:

  • Sunspots and age spots
  • Rosacea
  • Spider veins and broken capillaries
  • Birthmarks such as port wine stains
  • Smoothing skin texture
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Am I a Candidate?

If you are troubled by sun damage, broken capillaries, age spots, uneven skin tone, rosacea, or the appearance of freckles, you may be an excellent candidate for Lumecca IPL Photofacial. After careful evaluation of your skin, Dr. Westreich can advise you if Lumecca IPL Photofacial is the appropriate treatment for your individual skin condition.

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What Can I Expect During Treatment?

Treatment with the Lumecca IPL Photofacial is performed in the comfort of our luxury NYC clinic. Prior to treatment, a topical anesthetic may be applied so you are comfortable during the procedure. He will then administer Lumecca IPL Photofacial through a specially-designed hand-piece, allowing for a precision treatment for various skin flaws.

The treatment itself produces a sensation of heat, but most patients find it easy to experience. For those who are more sensitive, a topical anesthetic can be applied prior to treatment.

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What Does it feel like?

Many patients describe the sensation of the laser as feeling as if a rubber band is gently snapping on the surface of the skin. Most procedures can be completed in 20 to 30 minutes. When the procedure is complete, your skin will have a healthy glow, and continue to improve in the following days and weeks.

Recovery After Lumecca

You will need to take extra care to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays following your treatment. You may experience mild redness and swelling after treatment, similar to the experience of a mild sunburn. The redness should subside within 24 to 48 hours. Our patients are overjoyed at improvement in skin quality after a single treatment. Depending on the level of skin rejuvenation needed, Dr. Westreich may recommend a series of four to six sessions to achieve optimal results. Your results will continue to improve over the course of the next two to three weeks.

More About Lumecca: A Groundbreaking Treatment

Many women – and men – are taking steps to prolong the look of youth. Lumecca is the most powerful of all photo-rejuvenation skin treatments available. Our patients love the fact that they need fewer treatments to restore skin tone or correct a pigmentation problem. Typically, patients require only one to two treatments to achieve even skin tone that looks bright, healthy, and youthful.

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Choosing New Face NY

Dr. Westreich is proud to bring the latest innovations in skin rejuvenation to his patients at New Face NY. As a double board-certified plastic surgeon, you can be confident that your skin is in the very best hands when at New Face NY. Dr. Westreich is recognized as a premier New York City plastic surgeon and is dedicated to providing his patients with the most effective treatments and technologies. Not only will you experience the highest level of skill and artistry, but you will feel cared for as an individual. We look forward to helping you realize your vision for more beautiful skin.

Skin Resurfacing

Dr. Westreich may suggest treatment with a superficial ablative Erbium skin resurfacing laser or an alternate type of laser. This allows for more substantial wrinkle reduction and skin smoothing than IPL photofacials. Variations in skin tone and texture often respond well to these lightly ablative treatments. Erbium resurfacing typically require a 5-7 day healing period but gives more dramatic results with a single treatment than many other resurfacing techniques.

Chemical Peels

Glycolic acid is one of the alpha hydroxyl acids (AHAs). This naturally derived acid can treat acne, fine lines, skin texture, and skin brightening. The peels offered by Dr. Westreich are superficial treatments that exfoliate the skin and can help to fade discoloration, acne scars, reduce breakouts, and soften fine lines. They are suitable for all skin types and there is no downtime. Dr. Westreich may recommend repeating a peel every 6 weeks over a 3-6 month period to achieve the best results. Depending on the peel concentration selection, there may be some minimal flaking and redness afterwards.

TCA or trichloracetic acid are medium depth peels that are helpful to improve superficial discoloration, fine and medium depth wrinkles, sun damage and acne scars. TCA peels provide dramatic results but require about 7-10 days of healing time afterwards.


Like peels, dermabrasion can be used to smooth skin and remove deep wrinkles. This technique is typically used in the area around the mouth, when vertical lines are severe. It can also be helpful in smoothing out acne scaring.

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