A Remarkable New Treatment for Fat Beneath the Chin

Until recently, the only way to combat submental fullness (the medical term for fat beneath the chin) was with a lower facelift, necklift, liposuction, or a combination of these procedures. While effective, these are surgical procedures that are, by nature, invasive and involve a substantial recovery period. In April 2015, the FDA approved Kybella, a remarkable new treatment to reduce submental fullness. Kybella is the first injectable, non-invasive treatment that can be used to eliminate fat and restore a graceful contour to the chin area.

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woman receiving an injection on her neck by Dr. Westreich

Treat Fat Beneath the Chin with Kybella

Dr. Westreich

Minimally Invasive Procedures for the Jawline

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How Kybella Works

Kybella is identical to deoxycholic acid, a substance that is produced in our bodies to help us absorb fats. When it is injected into tissue, it destroys cell membranes in the area, causing fat to be released into the body where it will be eliminated by natural metabolic processes. After fat cells have been destroyed, the skin beneath the chin will appear significantly tighter and the jawline will have a more contoured appearance.

Kybella is specifically indicated for the treatment of submental fullness. It can be used to safely destroy fat cells beneath the chin, but it can destroy other types of cells if it is injected incorrectly. For this reason, it is very important that you undergo Kybella treatments with a board-certified facial plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Westreich, who is experienced in administering Kybella in NYC.

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Kybella Before & After

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Treatment with Kybella

A treatment session with Kybella is similar to that of other injectables, such as Botox. Dr. Westreich may offer a local anesthetic if you are concerned about pain during the treatment. Once you are ready, he will administer between 20 and 30 small injections of Kybella into the fat tissue beneath your chin. In most cases, more than one treatment session will be required to achieve optimal results. Most patients require between two and four treatments with Kybella, spaced at monthly intervals.

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Recovery and Results

Kybella is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment, so you may resume normal activities immediately following your procedure. The most common side effects are swelling, redness, bruising, and/or numbness in the chin area, all of which should resolve within a week of your procedure. Most of our NYC patients are comfortable returning to work and social activities within hours of their procedure and are able to conceal any visible side effects with light makeup.

The results of your procedure will be visible within 4 – 6 weeks. Kybella permanently destroys fat cells beneath the chin, so the results of your treatment will be permanent, provided you don’t gain an excessive amount of weight in the years following treatment. Unlike treatment with other injectables, touchups are not required with Kybella.

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Ideal Candidates for Kybella

Ideal candidates for Kybella are those who are unhappy with loss of definition in the central chin area due to submental fullness. Patients who still have good skin elasticity will achieve the best results; those who suffer from excessively sagging skin, however, may not be ideal candidates. Dr. Westreich can help you decide whether Kybella is the right treatment for you during your initial consultation.

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Kybella vs. Neck Liposuction

Kybella can achieve remarkably similar results to neck liposuction, which was the gold standard for chin contouring until the introduction of Kybella.

The major difference between these two treatments is that neck liposuction is a surgical procedure, whereas Kybella is a non-surgical treatment. To understand the major differences between these two treatments for submental fullness, we have created the comparison chart here.

Kybella Neck Liposuction
Effective chin contouring Yes Yes
Long-lasting results Yes Yes
Non-invasive Yes No
Resume normal activities immediately? Yes No
Anesthesia required? No Yes
Lateral Jaw Contouring? No Yes
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Your Kybella Consultation with Dr. Westreich, NYC

If you’re unhappy with the shape and contour of your chin, we invite you to contact our Manhattan office to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Westreich. During your consultation, our double board-certified plastic surgeon will review treatment options with you and help you decide whether Kybella will provide you with the results you desire.

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