Mini Facelift vs. Traditional Facelift in New York City

Dr. Westreich
Mini Facelift Traditional Facelift
Average Candidate Age Range The majority of candidates are between 30-50 years old Candidates typically range from anywhere between 40 and 70+ years of age
Surgery Time(varies on patient-to-patient basis) Approx. 1-2 hours Approx. 3-4 hours
Anesthesia? Local only, awake, no sedation necessary General Anesthesia or sedation anesthesia required
Recovery Period Patients only need to take about 3-5 days off work/their daily routine; Swelling should largely subside within 4-7 days; Full recovery occurs between 2-3 weeks Patients are advised to plan to take off about 7-10 days from work/daily routine; Swelling can last up to two weeks; Full Recovery in 4 Weeks
Results Visible results for up to 7-10+ years, depending on upkeep and particular skin quality Visible results for 10-20 + years, depending on upkeep and particular skin quality

The Ideal Candidates for a Mini Facelift in New York

The procedure can make a patient look up to 5-10+ years younger, rejuvenating both the way you look and the way you feel. A mini facelift would fall somewhere between injectable fillers like BOTOX and Restylane and the more invasive, traditional facelift. The mini facelift involves shorter incisions, less anesthesia, and fewer risks. It is also a good option for patients who are wary of the implications of a more extensive surgery or who do not have as much time to devote to the recovery period.

Although Dr. Westreich is very attentive to reducing signs of residual scarring, a mini facelift offers less potential for such unsightly scarring. Because the incisions are smaller with a mini facelift, scarring is of less concern when seeking a mini facelift over a traditional facelift.

As always, Dr. Westreich does his best to ensure that your results are natural and that there are no obvious signs of looking ‘done’ by hiding the incisions at certain angles and behind the hairline.

Also, a mini facelift is often a more affordable option for patients who want a smaller financial commitment. Patients can save thousands of dollars by opting in for the mini facelift because a mini facelift fan be done under local anesthesia, eliminating facility and anesthesia fees. The friendly staff at Dr. Westreich’s office is more than happy to assist you in setting up your consultation, surgery, and post-operative follow-up appointments. As expected, a mini facelift does not yield the same results as a full facelift. It is intended mainly for patients who have more mild to moderate signs of aging and who are looking for a less intense procedure to soften facial wrinkling and lift sagging skin. Dr. Westreich often recommends the mini facelift to patients who show mild signs of aging and minor skin laxity and joweling. Moreover, because the mini facelift is a smaller-scale facelift, sagginess around the neck is not addressed as much in this type of procedure as it is with a full Lower Facelift. If you are looking to tighten a moderate amount of loose skin below the jawline, Dr. Westreich’s traditional NYC facelift surgery might be a better option to explore.

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FaceTite versus Facelift

Mini Facelift OR FaceTite Facelift Surgery
Minimally invasive treatment Surgical procedure
No scarring Minimal scarring
Results typically last about 7-10 years Results typically last about twenty or more years
Minimal downtime, 3-7 days About 10-14 days of downtime

Dr. Westreich is at the forefront of technology and offers FaceTite by InMode as an alternative to a mini facelift for his patients. Thankfully a non-surgical, minimally-invasive treatment is now available: FaceTite. FaceTite is a treatment using radiofrequency energy that can target specific areas of the face to tighten and restore skin. These areas include the neck, cheeks, mouth, jawline, and jowls. To restore a more youthful, fresh appearance, some patients will choose to undergo our NYC facelift surgery, which is more invasive and involves a more significant period of recovery.

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A Minimally-Invasive Procedure for a Mini Facelift with FaceTite

The entire procedure takes about an hour. Results are typically seen at 4-6 weeks but continue to increase until 6-9 months. One of the most significant FaceTite benefits is that since downtime is minimal, most patients can return to regular activities in 5-7 days.

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woman sitting down leaning her head on her hand

Is FaceTite Safe?

FaceTite is one of the industry’s safest facial rejuvenating procedures. Without the need for incisions and other invasive techniques and the risks of potential complications and lengthy recovery times, many people have turned to this advanced treatment to restore and rejuvenate the face and neck. The radiofrequency technology used for FaceTite is the similar to what is used for an MRI, and these tests have been safely performed for years.

Am I a Candidate for FaceTite?

If you have mild to moderate loose skin around the neck and lower face and you do not want to undergo invasive surgery, FaceTite may be the perfect solution. Before having the procedure, a consultation with Dr. Westreich will ensure that you are a candidate for this treatment. In general, if you have any of the following, FaceTite could be the answer:

  • Unhappy with the appearance of your facial skin
  • Loose or saggy skin on the neck and lower face
  • Looking older than you feel
  • Skin appears tired and has lost its youthful “glow”
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FaceTite Consultation with Dr. Westreich

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your facial skin or feel that wrinkles, creases, lines, and sagging skin make you look older than you feel, we invite you to get in touch with us and schedule a private consultation. This is your first step and your opportunity to speak with Dr. Westreich about your hopes, expectations, and aesthetic goals. We will answer all your questions about the FaceTite procedure. Dr. Westreich and the entire staff at New Face have made it a priority to help our patients feel comfortable. As a double-board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Westreich possesses the high-level qualifications to give you full confidence that your treatment will be performed by a medical professional who is at the top in his field of practice.

Facelift FAQ

What is involved in a facelift?

Can my facelift be customized?

Where are the incisions placed?

How long does a facelift procedure take?

What are the benefits of getting a facelift?

How can I maintain my results?

How long does it take to recover from all these different options?

What results can I expect from a Facelift?

How long will my results last?

Are there limitations with a mini facelift?

What is involved in a facelift?

A facelift or lower facelift is meant to remove excess skin and lift the lower face and neck to combat unwanted signs of aging. The underlying muscles are tightened for greater support and longer-lasting results. There are a few different techniques based on your specific concerns, including:

  • Endoscopic facelift
  • Deep plane facelift
  • SMAS lift or extended SMAS lift
  • S-lifts or Mini Lifts

During a typical facelift, incisions are placed in discreet locations. The muscles of your face and neck will be lifted, tightened, and reattached. The skin is then re-draped and excess skin is trimmed away before the incisions are closed. Other techniques, like the endoscopic facelift, only require tiny incisions, and the adjustments are made using an endoscope and special tools.

Can my facelift be customized?

Absolutely. Not only will your facelift technique be carefully chosen according to your degree of aging and desired outcome, but the procedure can also be paired with other cosmetic procedures and non-surgical treatments to give you a youthful glow.

Because a facelift addresses the lower face and neck, the procedure is often paired with a brow lift or mid-face lift to address wrinkles or excess skin on the forehead or around the eyes. Skin rejuvenation treatments may also be performed to reduce discoloration, scarring, or other imperfections on the surface. Your New York facelift will be tailored to your needs to give you a fresh, natural-looking lift.

Where are the incisions placed?

Incisions are placed in discreet locations whenever possible. They are typically hidden in the natural contour of your ear or in the hairline. Occasionally another small incision is placed under the chin. Dr. Westreich uses advanced surgical techniques that rarely produce a noticeable scar.

The endoscopic technique is minimally invasive and requires even smaller incisions. Tiny incisions can be placed above and behind your ear. It is also known as a “scarless” facelift because the incisions are easily hidden and virtually imperceptible.

How long does a facelift procedure take?

The time needed to complete a facelift is specific to each patient due to the individualized nature of the procedure. A standard facelift typically takes around four hours to complete. During your consultation you will get an accurate prediction according to your customized treatment plan.

What are the benefits of getting a facelift?

A facelift provides a natural lift to the underlying facial structure. Removing excess skin, redefining the facial contours, and tightening the facial muscles can take years off your appearance.

Some people attempt to achieve the same look with non-surgical methods, but the results don’t typically last as long. Some fillers wear off in less than a year, but the results of a facelift can last for decades.

Facelifts are among the most common cosmetic procedures and have a high degree of customization. Your facelift can be tailored to your specific areas of concern. The procedure can help you age gracefully so you can look as young as you feel inside.

How can I maintain my results?

Sun protection is vital to maintaining younger-looking skin. Apply sunscreen to your face and neck every day. Wear a wide-brimmed hat on days when you will be in the sun for an extended period.

Moisturizing your face and neck will maintain skin firmness and elasticity. Use a moisturizer appropriate for your skin type every day and as needed in dry climates.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is also important. A healthy diet and plenty of water will keep your skin nourished and hydrated. Do not smoke, as smoking can speed up the aging process and lead to other health risks.

Laser skin resurfacing, skin tightening, or other rejuvenating treatments can also help you maintain smooth and supple skin. New Face NY offers a variety of non-surgical treatments that can help you preserve the results of your facelift without going under the knife.

How long does it take to recover from all these different options?

Recovery will differ among patients. Your type of facelift and combined procedures will determine how long you need to recover. A facelift is generally performed as an outpatient procedure. It is recommended that you have someone to help you around the house for the first day or two. In fact, we require Facelift and Necklift patients to have a nurse for their first night at home. This is for safety, but also for the comfort of you and your loved ones.

Facetite and mini Facelifts are often done under local anesthesia. While you may need an escort to take you home on the day of your procedure, a nurse is not required. Activity restrictions for these procedures will be less than a week.

Recovery is typically not as bad as patients think it will be. Any pain or discomfort can usually be alleviated with pain medication, and swelling will start to subside within two to three days. Your timeline to return to work will depend on the specific procedure performed. Dr. Westreich will provide detailed aftercare instructions and determine when it is appropriate to resume exercise and other strenuous activities.

Most people, will all types of facial procedures, look really good by about two weeks. There can be prolonged swelling with mid-face lifting, where it can take four to six weeks for surgical swelling to really dissipate. Facetite patients will have little to no swelling at five to seven days and the same is true for mini facelifts. Lower facelifts can be swollen for about 10-14 days.

What results can I expect from a Facelift?

After a few months, your skin and muscles will settle into their final position. You will notice smooth skin and an elevated facial structure that makes you look years younger. You will likely look more alert and awake, and a defined jawline can even make you look thinner.

How long will my results last?

When performed by a skilled surgeon, your bright and youthful results from a Facetite or Minilift can last seven to ten+ years and 10-20+ years for a facelift. Your genetics, lifestyle, and environment can impact the longevity of your results.

A Facelift procedure is pretty much a one-time thing. The volume lift from a mid-face lift or a deep plane facelift is permanent because of the repositioning of the facial muscles, ligaments, and other attachments of the whole face. Facetite and Mini lift patients may opt for a more traditional Facelift down the line.

Are there limitations with a mini facelift?

A facelift will not stop the aging process, but it does turn back the clock. Your genetics and other physical or environmental factors will still cause you to age gradually over time. A facelift of any kind helps you age more gracefully by tightening skin and, in some cases, repositioning your facial muscles. While there are few limitations for having the procedure, patients with major health issues, a previous history of poor scar formation, extensive hair loss, and dermatological conditions may not be good candidates. Dr. Westreich will discuss any limitations that may influence your result at the time of your consultation.

Mini Facelift Consultation with Dr. Westreich, New York

Dr. Westreich is a double-board certified facial plastic surgeon and, as one of the most highly-ranked doctors in the city, is more than qualified to perform your mini New York facelift. During your initial consultation appointment, he will evaluate your anatomy and will make an honest recommendation about which restorative path to take. As with any procedure or surgery he performs, Dr. Westreich’s main concern is to make you feel confident and satisfied with your results. He will be there with you every step of the way, and the office will be there to support you in the pre and post-operative periods. If you are considering either a mini or traditional facelift, contact our office to make an appointment at our New York City location.

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