The body is an incredible natural structure and has a built-in regenerative system. During our younger years, this system is functioning at its peak. A small child will heal very quickly, but as the years pass by, this ability lessens. The hair follicles are also affected, and as we age, can stop producing the strands of thick, healthy hair. The hairs become thinner, finer, or disappear altogether.
How Does PRP Work for Treating Hair Loss?
Many people—both men and women—are dismayed to see their hair begin to thin and bald patches appear. PRP therapy works by providing a high concentration of nutrients to the thinning or balding area. This procedure is noninvasive and nonsurgical but can produce truly remarkable results. These treatments can help you ward off the early signs of balding and thinning hair, producing the best results in patients who are in the early stages of hair loss.