Lower Eyelid Rejuvenation in New York

The lower eyelid flows into the midface and, on occasion, midfacial volume loss can contribute to lower eyelid conditions. Aging of the midface occurs when descent of the cheek or Malar fat is seen. Typical changes seen include hollowing underneath the eyes, an oval rather than almond shape to the face, loss of cheek volume, deepening of nasolabial folds, and increased jowls. Essentially, the apple cheeks of youth are lost and the eyes become hollow. As a result, some lower eyelid procedures are aimed at restoring upper midfacial volume specifically in an area called the Nasojugal fold.

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NYC Lower Eyelid Surgery Technique

Dr. Westreich is highly training at performing many different types of eyelid surgery in New York. Depending on your particular condition, Dr. Westreich will use techniques specific for your anatomy for the most comprehensive and natural result. Still, one thing remains constant: Dr. Westreich’s devotion to giving you a more reinvigorated, energized look with your very own personalized lower blepharoplasty procedure. Types of lower eyelid surgery include:

Lower eyelid surgery for horizontal eyelid creases- Skin Pinch

Early signs of aging typically involve the skin alone. In the lower eyelids, this can take the form of horizontal lines on the eyelid itself. While BOTOX is effective in eliminating the lines to the side of the eye (crow’s feet), BOTOX has limited effectiveness for the lines on the eyelid itself. In this case, creams and other treatments cannot tighten the skin enough, and removal of excess skin is required. A skin pinch procedure involves removing excess skin alone with a hidden incision underneath the eyelashes (subcilliary incision). No significant tissue dissection is required, and minimal bruising or swelling typically results. Patients can typically return to social environments within one week. For Manhattan patients not looking to have any type of surgery, non-invasive skin tightening procedures are available.

Lower eyelid surgery for bags under the eyes

Some younger patients can have isolated lower eyelid puffiness without skin or muscle laxity. The condition is most often genetic but can also result from an inflammation of the lower eyelids, prolonged stress, allergies, and fluctuations in the body’s level of hormones. After ruling out reversible medical causes, Dr. Westreich will remove excess under-eye fat to decrease the appearance of the puffiness. Typically, this surgery is performed with an incision hidden inside the eyelid (transconjunctival incision). Healing can be quicker than other lower eyelid procedures due to the lack of a skin incision.

Lower eyelid surgery for puffiness and hollows

Puffy under-eyes, like under-eye bags, can be misleading. When midfacial volume loss is present, the hollowing below the eye can make any puffiness appear worse. Surgery to reverse this will involve removing some lower eyelid fat, and then moving or transposing some of that fat into the midface. This is called a Fat Transposition Blepharoplasty. Typically, this surgery is performed with an incision hidden inside the eyelid (transconjunctival incision) but it can also be done with an external approach(subciliary), when muscle tightening and skin excision are required. An alternative to fat transposition blepharoplasty is using Fat Transfer to fill in the hollow area below the eyes.

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Candidates For Our Lower Eyelid Surgery in NYC

The best candidates for lower eyelid surgery are patients who have relatively elastic skin that has become loose or sagging due to aging, exposure to the sun, or hormonal changes. Most often, this manifests as wrinkling, bagginess, and puffiness directly under the eyes. It is important that patients are in good overall health before committing to surgery and that they always maintain realistic expectations. Dr. Westreich will personally evaluate your eyelid concerns during your consultation appointment to see whether or not the surgery is a good option to explore.

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NYC Lower Eyelid Surgery Consultation with Dr. Westreich

Dr. Westreich is an accredited and highly rated surgeon who has been featured in several prominent magazines and publications and was recently named New York Magazine’s “Best Doctor” numerous times. He is an expert in facial reconstructive surgery, and makes it his mission to develop a lasting relationship with each of his patients. Your consultation will take place in our comfortable office, conveniently located in the heart of New York City’s Upper East Side. This is your time with Dr. Westreich. Feel free to bring in a list of questions you want answered. Dr. Westreich will be there for you every step of the way, leading the path to the new, restored you. We encourage you to call us today to schedule your initial consultation.

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Lower Eyelid Surgery FAQ

How long does eyelid surgery last?

How long does the surgery take?

Will the scar be visible?

What is the typical downtime?

How long does eyelid surgery last?

A single treatment can be effective for a lifetime.

How long does the surgery take?

Lower eyelid surgery can range from 1-2 hours.

Will the scar be visible?

It is Dr. Westreich’s main objective to provide his patients with the most natural, effective results. This means that scarring is always kept to an absolute minimum so that the patient does not have to worry about potential signs of surgery when considering the procedure. The incision is always placed at the point of least visibility and, if all goes as planned, will be virtually invisible to both friends and strangers.

What is the typical downtime?

Dr. Westreich typically advises that his patients plan to take off about a week from their normal routine to rest and recover, after which time the majority of the swelling and bruising will have subsided.

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